16 research outputs found

    Development of Magnetic Field Sensors Using Bismuth - Substituted Garnets Thin Films with In-Plane Magnetization

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    In this thesis, the use of magnetic single crystal Bismuth-substituted Iron Garnet thin-films with giant magneto-optical effect as optical sensors for measuring low intensity magnetic fields over a high frequency range (up to 1GHz) is discussed. The advantages of these optical sensors are high intrinsic sensitivity and the possibility of tailoring the field range of the sensor. Such sensors could find applications in various industry and research fields where high sensitivity and electric isolation are required, such as power industry, vehicle detection, and read heads for recording magnetic media with high-density and high transfer rates. The thesis has three major components that correspond, in order, to the following topics: garnet growth, characterization and actual device design. First, the liquid phase epitaxy method is discussed for the growth of single crystal epitaxial garnet thin films of high optical quality. Second, the garnet thin films are fully characterized using various magnetic and optical techniques. Novel optical techniques are suggested, that allow the local measurement of properties such as magnetostriction constants and magnetic anisotropy of garnets. The results of these extensive measurements allow for the identification of melt compositions and growth conditions that yield thin garnet films with in-plane magnetization, giant Faraday rotation per unit length, large negative uniaxial anisotropies and small cubic anisotropy, as required for the sensing applications. In the end, the design of magnetic field sensors based on single and multi-layer garnet thin films is demonstrated, and devices are built for measurements of response and noise equivalent fields. Under the category of sensors, another sensing application is included, that utilizes garnet thin films for direct imaging of two-dimensional fringing magnetic fields with sub-micron resolution


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    Two-phase flows are found in almost all areas of technology. For example, tubular evaporators, boiling water reactors, boiler blowdown systems, heaters, boilers, gas lift pumps, oil and geothermal wells, oil and gas pipelines, refrigerators, process pipelines, and condensers. Two-phase flows are classified as mixtures. According to the composition of the mixture are divided: (a) for single-component (or one-component) - vapor-liquid flows; (b) multicomponent - gas-liquid flows. One-component mixtures consist of the same substance in different states of aggregation. This can be not only vapor-liquid, but also a mixture of liquid or vapor with a solid phase, a water-ice mixture, or a vapor flow with ice particles, for example, in sublimation installations. Multicomponent mixtures are a combination of substances of different physical nature. These include not only gas-liquid flows, but also, for example, mixtures of air and sand, water and oil. The paper presents the main attention is paid to the movement of two-phase flows in the pipeline

    Avantajele diagnosticului funcțional–instrumental în reabilitările ocluzale la pacienții cu edentații terminale

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    Rezumat. Din datele literaturii expunem că morfologia ocluzală este influenţată de un șir de factori cum ar fi: unghiul de înclinare a traiectoriei condiliene, unghiul Bennett și mișcarea Bennett, etc. Datele diagnosticului funcţionalinstrumental, completează pe cele obţinute la examenul clinic ocluzal care permit stabilirea diagnosticului final de stare ocluzală cu elaborarea planului de tratament în cadrul reabilitărilor ocluzale. Scopul cercetării este de a studia și sistematiza factorii care influenţează morfologia ocluzală, cît și a particularităţilor examenului clinic ocluzal în edentaţiile terminale, efectuarea diagnosticului funcţional-instrumental cu utilizarea arcului facial anatomic și a articulatorului parţial programabil. Studiul dat se bazează pe examinarea complexă şi tratamentul a 5 pacienţi (3 b;2 f;) cu vîrsta cuprinsă între 45-60 ani, cu edentaţii parţiale terminale unimaxilare și prezenţa semnelor de uzură a elementelor de morfologie ocluzală la nivelul dinţilor restanţi trataţi cu ajutorul restaurărilor prin metoda directă a dinţilor cu uzură, tratament implanto-protetic a breșelor edentate.Completarea datelor examenului clinic ocluzal cu cele ale diagnosticului funcţional-instrumental a permis stabilirea diagnosticului final de stare ocluzală și aplicarea unor metode eficiente de tratament.Summary. From literature data we relate that occlusive morphology is influenced by series of factors as: angle of inclination of the condilian path, Benett angle and Benett movement etc. The functional-instrumental diagnose data complete the ones obtained from the clinical test and gave the opportunity to determine the final diagnosis of occlusive condition and elaborate the treatment plan in the occlusive rehabilitations. The goal research is to study and systemize the factors that influence the occlusive morphology as well as the particularities of the occlusive clinical test in the terminal edentulous, and to establish the functional-instrumental diagnosis using the facial anatomic arch and a programmable partial articulator.This study is based on the complex examination and treatment of 5 patients (3m; 2w;) in the age range of 45-60 years with uniaxial partial terminal edentulous and the presence of signs of wear of the occlusive morphology elements at the level of remaining treated teeth with the help of restorations through direct method of the teeth with wear, prosthetic-implantation treatment of the toothless breaches.For patients’ examinations were used clinical and paraclinical methods. Data from the clinical occlusal exam, used with data from the functional-instrumental diagnosis allowed to establish the final diagnosis of the occlusal status and applying of efficient treatment method


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    Over the past 15 years, the periurban area in the proximity of Oradea has been accredited as a place of great attraction for the urbanites eager to move to the countryside, taking advantage of the natural resources, numerically generous and possessing an ecological quality. On such a background, these urbanites or tourists have come into contact and continue to discover these natural resources from the point of view of their new qualities, namely people motivated to do thematic tourism. This study seeks to know in detail the potential of the 11 communes and their related villages in the Oradea Metropolitan Area (OMA) and what they provide for weekend-type activities or forms of tourism based on discovery and leisure. The researched area has various natural resources, but diversity is configured according to the environment and morpho-hydrography specific for the hilly, plain and hilly-plain contact area relief. The inventory of local resources (8 categories) prone to nature-based tourism is dominated by protected areas, rivers and lakes for fishing, deciduous forests and associated hay fields as well as the hilly relief in the eastern part of the area. The expression of the attractiveness of local nature for leisure tourism is given by the attractiveness index, which at the OMA level is 87.47 points, with an encouraging maximum of 11.67 points (out of a maximum of 25 points). The detail of the distribution and the natural resources attraction weight can be found in the four thematic maps


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    A Singular Point Source MOS (S-MOS) cell concept suitable for power semiconductor MOS based devices is presented. The S-MOS differs from a standard Planar or Trench MOS cell in the manner by which the total channel width per device area is determined. The S-MOS cell channel width is defined as the peripheral length of a line running approximately along the N++ source and P channel junction which is situated on a single gated trench side-wall. The length of the line can be established from a singular point source implant for forming the N++ source region which corresponds to the shape of the N++/P junction. The total channel width will therefore depend on the total number of gated trench side- walls per chip. Despite a relatively short channel width obtained on a single trench side-wall, narrow mesa dimensions between adjacent trenches will provide an adequate number of cells for adjusting the total channel width as required for a given device performance. The S-MOS can be realized by simple manufacturing processes and presents an alternative approach for MOS cell layouts by decoupling critical design parameters (e.g., channel width, trench dimension and NPN transistor area). This flexibility can lead to lower overall losses, lower gate charge levels, improved switching robustness and controllability for different MOS based devices

    Aspects of sustainable rural development in the mountain areas from n-e region of Romania

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    This paper intend to develop a methodology regarding actual size evaluation and the perspective of sustainable rural development through the elaboration of swot analysis, as method of strategic planning for the mountanian areas from the North-East Region of Romania

    Study of the main body dimensions that are used in the selection process, in the reproductive nucleus of the Nonius horse from Izvin studfarm

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    Regarding to a population, the average of phenotypic value is equal with average of genotypic value and that minds that the study of average performances in a population have a huge importance. So, the studies of the average values of characters offer us an idea about the population genetic level. This study have the principal purpose to analyse main body dimensions who are used in selection process: withers height, thoracyc perimether and cannon bone perimether, through the integration of individs in an evaluation class, in accordance with selection methodology. The biological material is represented by 35 Nonius horses, 4 males and 31 females, at different ages, owned by Izvin stood farm, representing the entire reproductive nucleus. The average performances of characters are presented in the paper. We can observe a small grade of variability with some differences between sexes. The average performances of the characters are between characteristic limits of the breed


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    The current study aims to make an analysis of the human and environmental capital of Oradea Hills, notably the locations where the household independent cellars are found. For the human capital more indicators were analyzed such as the active and inactive population as well as a focused analysis of the population age category of Episcopia Bihor neighborhood where these household independent cellars prevail. For the environmental capital the land tenure of Oradea Hills was considered and analyzed through the perspective of forests, hayfields and pastures, arable land, built-up area, lithology and slope exposure. Thus more theme maps resulted (i.e. geological map, slope exposure map) from this study carried out through the ArcGis program meant to further help the interested investors to capitalize these storage cellars

    Oradea Metropolitan Area as a Space of Interspecific Relations Triggered by Physical and Potential Tourist Activities

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    Metropolitan areas provide many opportunities to spend quality outdoor leisure time as well as to discover many cultural attractions. Sprawl occurs in Romania quite rapidly, encouraged by the construction of ring roads around many cities and their expansion into metropolitan areas. The current paper aims to identify metropolitan tourism models based on which tourist flows can be sustainably reoriented within rural Oradea Metropolitan Area (OMA) given their the tourist potential level (i.e., very low, low, average, high). The tourist potential was scaled based on the Methodology for the Analysis of a Territory’s Tourist Potential, which stands as a law published in the Official Monitor of the 14th of June 2016. The study indicates that most tourist activity develops in the OMA southern part in Sânmartin commune, thus unsustainably capturing all tourist flows of the rural OMA. Natural and man-made tourist attractions’ territorial concentrations were emphasized in the communes from the south and northern OMA, but there are major territorial dysfunctions in terms of technical endowment and tourist infrastructure supply. The three emerged models refer to the medical–recreational and eco–residential wellness network, discovery eco-holiday, and co-visit and marginal community